5 Typical South Korean Foods You Must Try

5 Typical South Korean Foods You Must Try


Kimchi is something that is always in Korean refrigerators. So it's no wonder that Kimchi is a typical South Korean food that you must taste when you visit there. You must also know that Kimchi is a traditional food made from chicory and radish. Kimchi is a kind of fermented pickled vegetables and seasoned with spicy sauce.

In the past Kimchi was pronounced with the name chim-chae which means soaked vegetables. Apart from being eaten directly, Kimchi can also be varied into various food menus, such as fried rice, soup and so on. If you are interested in making this Korean pickle, you can join the Kimchi & Tteokbokki Cooking Class.


Jajangmyeon is a typical South Korean food that is similar to chicken noodles in Indonesia. This food which is quite famous in South Korea is usually served with black bean paste sauce with a salty taste. This sauce is called Chunjang by Koreans. Then given a topping in the form of diced meat, and equipped with various vegetables.

But for those of you who are Muslim, you have to be careful, because usually this cut of meat from jajangmyeon uses pork. Jajangmyeon first appeared in 1905, when an immigrant from China opened a restaurant in the Incheon area. Currently, the restaurant has been converted into a Jajangmyeon Museum.


This typical South Korean food is usually served with a glass of beer as a complement. So don't be surprised if his name is Chimaek. Because Chimaek itself comes from the word "Chi" or chicken which means chicken and "maek" from the word maekju which means beer.

There are many ways to prepare Chimaek, but almost all of the chicken served has a spicy taste and is deep fried and topped with sesame seeds. Almost all restaurants in Seoul South Korea sell Chimaek.


This typical South Korean food is often served in summer. Naengmyeon itself is a food from North Korea which is popular in South Korea. Naengmyeon itself means cold noodles. Because when making the noodles, they are rinsed in cold water and then mixed with oil, vinegar, soy sauce, vegetables, and served with cold broth.

In South Korea, there are two types of Naengmyeon, namely Pyongyang Naengmyeon and Hamheung Naengmyeon. The main difference between these two types of food is the sauce. If Pyongyang Naengmyeon is cold soup, Hamheung Naengmyeon is only mixed with sweet and spicy sauce without any sauce.


Samgyetang is usually made using a young chicken that is boiled whole until it is tender. Then eaten with the addition of pepper, salt, and kimchi. Apart from ginseng, this soup also contains other medicinal plants such as chestnut, pine nuts, dried jujuba fruit, ginger, dangsam, gugija or danggwi. Samgyetang is usually eaten in summer, so that the body that is always sweating does not become weak.

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6 Mouthwatering Traditional Korean Foods

6 Mouthwatering Traditional Korean Foods

1. Kimchi

The typical Korean food that is very well known to the world is kimchi. Kimchi is one of the must-have complementary foods when eating. Almost all Korean food will be enjoyed with kimchi.

Kimchi is fermented vegetables. Generally, kimchi is orange to reddish in color. This food is very popular in the world.

Generally, kimchi is made from chicory. The chicory will be fermented using a special Korean seasoning, namely gochujang. The time to ferment this kimchi is about one week.

However, there are also several variants that can be consumed immediately after being processed. For Korean people, kimchi is a side dish that must be present in almost all daily meals. Kimchi goes well with rice, noodles and even meat.

2. Japchae

The next typical Korean food is japchae. Japchae is a food in the form of a stir fry which is generally consumed with rice. Besides kimchi, japchae is also one of the foods that are often found in Korean people's side dishes.

Japchae is Korean vermicelli or vermicelli which is stir-fried with a mixture of vegetables and meat. The meat most often used in making japchae is beef. All of these ingredients will be sautéed in sesame oil and seasoned with spices.

Generally, japchae is used as a side dish for big events. Apparently this food has a long history. Japchae is a typical Korean food that has existed since the 17th century, to be precise since the Joseon Dynasty.

3. Tteok

The next typical Korean food is tteok. Tteok is a food made from glutinous rice flour. Therefore, the texture will be slightly sticky and rubbery. There are many ways to consume tteok. Such as steamed, boiled, even fried.

4. Haemul Pajeon

Haemul means seafood or seafood. Meanwhile, pajeon is the name of Korean food in the form of a pancake. So haemul pajeon is a pancake filled with seafood.

Generally when there are traditional Korean celebrations, this one food is never left behind. This food is in the form of dough which contains several ingredients. Such as eggs, green onions, chilies and seafood such as squid, octopus and others.

5. Chapsal

Another typical Korean food that is included in the sweet food category is chapssal. Chapssal is a typical Korean bread. This one food has a tang concept almost similar to donuts.

If seen, the outside is the same sprinkled with powdered sugar. That's one reason that makes this food look like donuts. This bread is made from rice.

It contains a variety of fillings. Korean chapssal has sweet potato filling inside. However, there are also those that contain red beans.

The texture of this chapssal is slightly crunchy on the outside. That's because the manufacturing process is fried. While the inside or the filling tends to be sweet and soft in texture.

6. Mandu

Another typical Korean snack is mandu. Mandu is a Korean food that is shaped like a dumpling. Inside the mandu there are various kinds of fillings.

Such as containing processed meat, processed vegetables or so forth. Generally, mandu is served by steaming. Then mandu will be eaten warm.

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Unique Facts About the Flags of ASEAN Countries and Their Meanings

Unique Facts About the Flags of ASEAN Countries and Their Meanings

Did you know that Indonesia is one of the founding countries of ASEAN? So, do not be surprised if almost all ASEAN activities are centered in Indonesia. The ASEAN Secretariat office itself is located in Indonesia, precisely in South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta.

In his office yard 11 flags fly, of which one ASEAN flag and 10 flags from ASEAN member countries with different colors. Below, we will review various kinds of unique and interesting facts from each country's flag in ASEAN, starting from the color to the philosophy contained in it. Let's see the full explanation below.

1. Indonesian flag

As we know, the Indonesian flag is also known as the Red and White flag which consists of two colors, namely red and white. The meaning commonly understood by people is red means brave and white means holy.

But, behind the dashing Indonesian flag, there is an interesting philosophy in it. He said that the red and white colors on the Indonesian flag come from Austronesian mythology, namely ethnic groups that once lived in the Indonesian Archipelago. In Austronesian mythology, red means sky and white means land.

The Red and White is a symbol of Indonesia's struggle which has traveled a very long journey. Starting from the time of the kingdom until the struggle for independence. Therefore, the Indonesian flag is very sacred and its use has been regulated in the law.

Every August 17, Indonesian people are required to raise the red and white flag, without exception. This was done to commemorate Independence Day. The raising of the Red and White should not be arbitrary, it must be after sunrise and before sunset.

2. Malaysian flag

The flags of ASEAN countries that have facts and philosophies that are no less unique and interesting are the flags of Malaysia, known as Jalan Gemilang. The Malaysian flag consists of four colors, namely red, white, blue and yellow with their respective meanings.

The red color symbolizes courage, the white color represents purity, and the blue color represents unity. While the yellow color that has a crescent moon and stars symbolizes the color of the kings.

This Gemilang Line has 14 red and white stripes of the same width. it is a symbol of the United Kingdom and the 13 states of Malaysia. While the crescent moon is a symbol of Islam, which is the official religion in Malaysia, then the 14th longitude star symbolizes the signs of the 13 states and the Federal Kingdom.

The Malaysian flag itself is the brainchild of an architect named Mohamad bin Hamzah. After being changed, it was finally agreed to become the national flag in April 1950 and was flown for the first time in May 1950.

3. Singapore Flag

Did you know that Singapore was once a state of Malaysia? Even though it is part of the state of Malaysia, Singapore already has its own flag which they introduced in 1959.

This flag was used to replace the Union Jack flag which had flown for 140 years, from 1819 to 1959. When it decided to separate from Malaysia in 1965, Singapore continued to use the flag.

The Singapore flag itself is similar to the Indonesian flag, which consists of red and white colors. But the difference is, in the red part there is a crescent moon and also five stars arranged in a circle. The red color in the flag has the meaning of brotherhood and human equality.

While the white color symbolizes cleanliness and usability. The crescent moon represents a young country that is trying to move forward. Meanwhile, the five stars are a symbol of democracy, progress, security, justice, and also thoroughness, principles that Singapore upholds.

4. Thai Flag

In Thai, the Thai flag is called Thong Trairong which means the flag of three colors. The Thai flag consists of three colors, namely red, white and blue, which are arranged horizontally.

The sequence is starting from the colors red, white, blue, white, and red. The colors respectively represent the nation's belief in God the King, which is the unofficial motto of Thailand.

At least, Thailand has changed its flag three times. The first flag (1855-1916) was red without any markings accompanied by various white elephant symbols. Then in 1916, the Thai flag was replaced again, almost similar to the flag used now.

It's just that the difference is in the blue line which used to be red. The current official flag of Thailand has been in use since 1917, after the red stripe in the middle of the flag was replaced with blue. For Thai people, blue is the color of Friday and is the birthday of King Rama VI.

5. Philippines  Flag

The meaning of the colors on the Philippine flag symbolizes the historical journey that the Philippines has gone through. The blue color represents calm times, the red color represents the turbulent past of war, and the white color represents purity. Meanwhile, the white equilateral triangle represents the trias politica.

Finally, there are 3 small stars that symbolize the main beliefs held by Filipinos, namely Catholicism, Protestantism, and Islam. The raising of the Philippine flag itself is quite unique. When it is displayed in blue above, it means that the Philippines is in a state of peace. However, if it is displayed in red above, it means that the Philippines is in a period of war.

Apart from the five countries mentioned above, ASEAN also has 5 other countries. Each of these countries has a unique flag and a very deep meaning.

6. Brunei Darussalam Flag

Brunei Darussalam is a former British colony. When the British came to power in Brunei Darussalam or often abbreviated as Brunei, this country which is located in the Northwest of the North coast of Borneo already had its own flag.

The flag was introduced in 1959. Where the Brunei flag is dominated by yellow, in the middle there is a black and white line. Then on top of it are symbols of the crescent moon, umbrella torches, wings, and a pair of upturned hands.

These symbols have a special meaning. The first is the crescent moon symbol, which is a symbol of Islam, in which the majority of the population in Brunei are Muslims. Then the torch umbrella has the meaning of government under the Sultan.

Meanwhile, the Sayar symbol has the meaning of justice, peace, prosperity, and also security. Inside the crescent moon is written the motto in Jawi letters which means "Always serve with God's guidance". Meanwhile, under the crescent moon there is the inscription Negara Brunei Darussalam.

7. Vietnam flag

The Vietnamese flag consists of two colors, namely red and yellow. Even though it looks simple, this Vietnamese flag has a deep meaning. Where the red color on the flag symbolizes the struggle and success of the Vietnamese revolution.

Then the yellow star in the middle of the flag represents the leadership of the Communist Party. Meanwhile, the star with its five corners symbolizes the five groups forming socialism, namely intellectuals, neighbours, farmers, workers and youth.

The Vietnamese flag has been used by North Vietnam since 1955. Meanwhile, South Vietnam also has its own flag dominated by yellow with three horizontal red stripes in the middle.

However, after the Indochina war was over and the two countries were united, it was finally agreed to use the flag which is now the pride of the Vietnamese people.

8. Laos Flag

The flag of Laos was introduced in 1975. Where the flag of the country of Laos consists of blue and red colors arranged horizontally. For the size of the blue part tends to be larger than the red color.

In the middle of the flag, there is a white circle or chakra symbol. The colors on the Lao flag have different meanings. Where the red color represents the blood of the fallen warriors. Then the blue color symbolizes the wealth of world resources. Meanwhile, the white circle symbol represents the reflection of the full moon over the Mekong River as well as a symbol of national harmony.

Even though it is a communist country, Laos does not adopt the star symbol on its flag which is usually used by other communist countries.

9. Myanmar flag

The flag of the ASEAN country, which is located in the westernmost part, consists of yellow, green and red colors arranged horizontally.

In the center there is a white five-pointed star symbol. The yellow color symbolizes solidarity, then the green color represents peace and the red color means courage. The white star symbol on the flag stands for the unity of the people of Myanmar.

This flag was just introduced by Myanmar in 2010, to replace the socialist flag that had been used since 1974. According to records, at least Myanmar, which was formerly called Burma, has changed the country's flag seven times.

10. Cambodia Flag

The Cambodian flag consists of two colors, namely red and blue. Where the blue is flanking the red. In the center, there is a miniature illustration of Angkor Wat, the largest Hindu temple complex in the world.

Then the blue color symbolizes the royal family, then the red color represents the country and the Angkor Wat symbol represents religion.

Those are the interesting facts behind the flags of ASEAN countries. In your opinion, which country's flag is the most unique and interesting?

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Get to know the history of the German state emblem and its meaning

Get to know the history of the German state emblem and its meaning

Likewise with the German state emblem which also has a certain history and meaning in every shape and color. The national coat of arms of Germany is a black eagle with a red beak and talons. Here's an explanation

1. Black Eagle

The eagle is one of the most powerful birds on earth, and this is a symbol of the hope that Germany will become the strongest country on earth. Then the black color here shows the colors of the German flag which consists of black, red and yellow.

And it turns out that the symbol of the Black Eagle was not taken for granted, but also has a unique history because it turns out that more than 1200 types of symbols have been used in the German empire for a long time, so this symbol is indeed a symbol taken from the symbol of power since ancient times, so the eagle has a different meaning. very important for Germany.

This black eagle emblem is not only used as a state symbol but is also used for other symbols for the presidential flag and also the badge used by German statesmen.

2. Beak And Claws

The strength of an eagle lies in its beak and talons, as well as the national coat of arms of Germany which also highlights parts of the eagle's beak and claws. The strength in the beak and claws which are also colored red are the colors of the German flag as well.

The color also means courage, so the red beak and claws mean strength and courage. And until now the German state highly upholds this symbol in various fields.

3. Backgrounds

The background of the German national emblem is golden yellow, and this is part of the colors of the German flag, but it also has a specific meaning where this golden yellow background also forms a shield, a shield is a symbol of strength, and a tool that protects. So the meaning is quite deep and has a unique history full of meaning.

And you also need to know that the current population of Germany is around 82,000,000 people, where the German population when compared to Indonesia is very much different.

However, if the German population is adjusted for the size of the country, it is also very different from Indonesia, which has a very large area from Sabang to Merauke. So the area also affects the population of Germany and even though it is not considered a dense country.


Germany is a country in Europe located in the center of the continent. Germany is one of the largest countries in Europe and has a large population. The country has a large area and has a varied climate, with mountainous areas in the north and low-lying areas in the south. Germany has 16 states, each of which is self-governing.

Germany is one of the most powerful countries in Europe and the world, and has a wide influence in the economic, political and cultural fields. The country is also a member of the European Union and hosts several important international organizations, such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Organization of National Liberations (NATO). Germany's official language is German, and the country also has several minority languages spoken by certain ethnic communities.

The national coat of arms of Germany is the national flag consisting of three horizontal stripes in the colors red, white and red. This flag is called “Deutsche Flagge” in German.

This red, white, and red coat of arms has been used as the coat of arms of Germany since the 19th century. Previously, the German flag consisted of many different coats of arms by region, each of which was the coat of arms of a separate German kingdom or state. In 1848, the red, white, and red flag began to be used as the coat of arms of Germany common to all states. This flag was later adopted as the official flag of Germany in 1919 after World War I.

In symbolism, red is considered the color of blood and courage, white is considered the color of purity, and red is considered the color of courage returning. This red, white and scarlet flag is considered a symbol of unity and solidarity in Germany.

That is the symbol of the German state which has a very deep history and meaning, where each color and shape has a different meaning, and is a hope for the country.

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Slovak Flag History and Meaning

Slovak Flag History and Meaning

The Flag of Slovakia It is one of the national symbols of the Slovak Republic, a member state of the European Union. The history of the flag begins with the boundaries of this territory, although it was several years before a model could be created. Its relationship with Czechoslovakia was a milestone that would make sense of what Slovakia would become.

Each part that makes up the flag has added value. It stands out from 1993, with the independence of Slovakia, after the fall of the communist regime and the secession of Czechoslovakia. This flag consists of three equal horizontal stripes.

The first is white, the second blue and the third red. These colors are known as Pan-Slavs, which are also shared by Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia and the Czech Republic. On the left side of the flag is the coat of arms of Slovakia, which features a white cross on a blue hill and a red background.

This symbol holds the three colors of the flag and always accompanies it to distinguish it from other pavilions. Given that Slovakia is a member of the European Union, its flag has always shared space with the European Union.


The flags of Bohemia and Czechoslovakia were used until 1920. They were aligned only by two stripes, white and red. It was later modified, to include a blue stripe down the middle of the previous one, for the paneslava brotherhood's sake.

Slovakia is part of Czechoslovakia, so the flag of the independent country is very new. Czechoslovakia consists of the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The flag has the same three colors: white, blue and red. However, the red is in the triangle on the left side, and the blue and red are divided into equal stripes across the flag. This is still the current flag of the Czech Republic.

Use of flags in history

There are records of the first use of the Slovak flag after the 1848 revolution, but the first official use of the coat of arms was made in the State of Slovakia. It was a puppet state of Nazi Germany that existed between 1939 and 1945.

Although before 1920 the flag was accepted by the people, with the Slovak and Czech union the style of the flag was changed.

This coat of arms, which is synonymous with Russia, was retained during the Slovak Socialist Republic, a member of Czechoslovakia. For that country, the Czech design remains; the current flag was formed after its independence and was adopted on 3 September 1992.

It means

Originally there were Bohemian and Czechoslovak flags, which were just white and red. In 1848 a blue stripe was added, and its purpose was to symbolize the brotherhood of the Slavic nations. The meaning of the color as a whole: Slavic nations and their union.

The current flag consists of the same three stripes: white, blue and red. Among the Slavic colors blue predominates, representing the brotherhood of peoples of this social group; instead, the other two colors were adopted from other countries such as Russia. The Russian flag has been an inspiration for many other peoples, such as the Netherlands.

In short, color meanings are restricted to panslave color sharing. In this way, even though the country has become independent, it maintains close ties with its neighbours.

In 1992, the year in which the independence of the Slovak Republic was achieved, a shield representing the country's character, reflected in its mountains, was added. It is a simulation of the terrain, with a double silver cross on it, which has religious significance.

Moreover, for their realization, they decided to place the shield on the left side. This is to be closer to the pole.

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History Of The Volkswagen Car And The Evolution Of The Logo

History Of The Volkswagen Car And The Evolution Of The Logo

Brand is the strongest and most important asset for every company. Why is that ? because the brand will greatly affect the sales of every item produced by the company which is more important than a tagline, logo, slogan and advertisement.

There are so many similarities between brands currently circulating in the world, therefore looking for a striking difference that contains important meaning in each logo is a must. Along with the times and changes in society, a number of world-famous brands are trying to develop in keeping with the flow of progress. One of them is the world famous car manufacturer VW (Volkswagen).

History of the Founding of Volkswagen

The company was founded on 28 May 1937 in Germany under the name, "Gesellschaft zur Vorbereitung des Deutschen Volkswagens mbH". But the history of the brand can be traced back to 1933. At a car show in Berlin, Adolf Hitler put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bcars that were affordable for the people of that time. This was done to support the idea of building the State. Finally the idea was approved because this would greatly affect Germany's progress at that time. One of his visions was to encourage the German people to buy a fast, yet affordable vehicle that cost around 1000 Reichs (about $140).

One year after Adolf Hitler led Germany; he invited Ferdinand Porsche, a car engineer from Austria to design a people's car for Germany. Since Porsche was from Austria, Hitler asked him to apply for German citizenship. In response to this Porsche renounced Czechoslovak citizenship and joined the German National Socialist Party.

The initial logo composed on the car was taken from the 'Nazi' flag which was designed in the shape of the swastika symbol. Apart from that, this symbol also denotes an ancient Nordic symbol called 'Ginfaxi' which binds in ancient teachings that are said to give victory in every battle that takes place.

The first advertisement shown by VW had the mission KDF (Kraft durch Freude), 'strength through joy', showing images of family and friends relaxing and going on holiday in a car. Also, several advertisements in the print media showing friends and family visiting forests, stations and hills.

But before World War 2, the first VW logo was replaced on the grounds that the logo resembled a pedestal fan.

After the world war ended, the British army took control of the damaged factory under the supervision of Major Ivan Hirst. Under him, Major Ivan Hirst ordered the re-establishment of factory conditions which would later be carried out again to build and repair all the machines so that. This was an extraordinary achievement during the 1945 period in which engine parts were still found from the rubble at the factory. These parts were then used to build more than 2000 vehicles.

In the following year, Britain further increased production to 10,000 vehicles, also changing the company name to Volkswagen. The name of the factory town was also changed to Wolfsberg, which was inspired by the local castle in the town. This is the embryo of the VW Beetle car. During this period, the design around the logo circle was also removed.

Massive innovations were also made, namely by providing a more glossy paint quality and a better shape. Exports were also carried out in several European countries which had an impact on the recruitment of workers.

Volkswagen is thus one of the companies that can support Germany's uncertain economic conditions. Strangely enough, the German people at that time thought that by driving a VW car, they felt they had become a luxury and this would help them get better jobs.

Volkswagen logo

History Of The Volkswagen Car And The Evolution Of The Logo

As seen today, the VW logo is a simple representation of the company's initials. which means "Volks" which in German means people, while "Wagen" means cars.

Initially the logo was designed in 1938. The logo was heavily modified in 1996 and 2000. In the final logo modification, aspects such as mixed colors and three dimensions were introduced to make the logo unique.

The beauty of the logo lies in its simplicity, containing only two letters ( the V above the W), the two letters seem to interact with each other. the edges are joined by a circle with the same line circle. The gap between the V and W is an attempt to differentiate the two so as not to affect the legibility of the logo, while at the same time making the logo visually distinct.

The VW logo only consists of two colors, namely blue and white. The blue color represents class, excellence and reliability, while white represents charm, nobility and purity.

The news circulating now is that VW is reported to have modified the newest logo which will be lonching next month. What does it look like? We will see later.

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The Meaning of the BMW Logo, Airplane Propellers are Just a Myth

The Meaning of the BMW Logo, Airplane Propellers are Just a Myth

BMW stands for Bayerische Motoren Werke or Bavarian Motor Works. The company was founded in 1917.

BMW emerged as the Rapp Motorenwerke aircraft engine manufacturer, located in Munich. Although the company name changed, the technical equipment, assets and workforce remained the same.

When the BMW name was first included in the commercial register in July 1917, there was no company logo.

In the early days, the logo and its meaning simply did not exist for the wider community as it is today, because BMW had no customers, said BMW Archive Director Fred Jakobs.

The main business is the production and maintenance of aircraft engines for the German Air Force. The first BMW logo appeared in October 1917, continuing the Rapp Motorenwerke tradition of having a black ring around the company logo bearing the company name.

However, on October 5, 1917 the company created a real logo. This first BMW badge, registered in the trademark register of the German Empire, retains the round shape of the old Rapp logo. The outer ring of the symbol is now bordered by two gold stripes and says BMW.

The company's home state of Bavaria will also be represented on the company logo. The inner quarter circle on the BMW badge features the Bavarian state colors, white and blue.

But they are in reverse order. The reason for the reverse order of blue and white in the BMW logo was local trademark laws at the time, which prohibited the use of state emblems or other symbols of sovereignty on commercial logos.

The first key to the meaning of the BMW logo is its color, white and blue are the colors of the State of Bavaria in Germany, home of BMW. A 1929 BMW advertisement depicts the BMW emblem, complete with four colored quadrants, in a rotating airplane propeller. The interpretation that the BMW logo represents a propeller has persisted ever since.

Even today, many people still believe that the BMW logo depicts a spinning propeller. The BMW propeller myth arose several years after the first company logo.

A BMW advertisement from 1929 shows an airplane with the BMW logo on the rotating propeller. At the start of the global economic crisis, the ad tried to promote a new aircraft engine that BMW was building under license from Pratt & Whitney.

Then, in 1942, BMW itself linked the propeller to its corporate symbol. BMW has made no serious attempt to dispel this myth. In fact, it continues to represent the BMW emblem as a propeller.

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The History And Meaning Of The Lamborghini Emblem

The History And Meaning Of The Lamborghini Emblem

Apart from Ferrari, Lamborghini is known as one of the premium sports car manufacturers typical of Italy. Focusing on the aggressiveness and strength of a bull, the Lamborghini Emblem thrived because the creator of the logo recognized founder Ferruccio Lamborghini's fondness for bullfighting. Even the gold color in this logo was obtained from competition with Enzo Ferrari.

History of Lamborghini

Born as a wine farmer, Ferruccio Lamborghini was clearly not interested in developing the family business. He was more interested in mechanics and after serving in the Air Force during World War II, Lamborghini was one of the first to notice that the demand for farm tractors would increase in post-war Italy.

Only in 1948, Ferruccio officially introduced a tractor manufacturing company in Cento (Bologna), Italy, after spending a lot of money on military machines, a remnant of World War II. History of development and the brand 'Lamborghini Trattori' was sold in 1971 to one of Lamborghini's competitors, namely Sama.

The first logo appeared in 1952 and consisted of a triangle, where each of the three corners included the initials 'Ferruccio Lamborghini Cento'. However, due to the lack of knowledge about graphic design at that time, the three were represented with three different fonts.

Only in 1959, the owner's desire and knowledge prompted Lamborghini to expand its production in the helicopter sector. Unfortunately the Italian government at that time did not approve of this plan and Lamborghini decided to dedicate himself to producing sports cars.

This event marked the birth of “AutomobiliFerruccio Lamborghini SpA” officially founded in 1963 in Sant'AgataBolognes (Bologna). The success behind this brand is their partnership with designer Bertone and jet engine designer Bizzarrini. Meanwhile, the creation of the logo (which was also used on the tractor) was commissioned by Paolo Rambaldi.

The Birth of the Golden Bull

Paolo chose a bull taken from the zodiac of Ferruccio Lamborghini, the founder. In addition, the use of the bull character also symbolizes aggressiveness, represented by its fighting stance in a red shield with black contours. Ferruccio's love is depicted in logos and Lamborghini cars derive this style from Spain's famous bullfighting.

The shape of the Lamborghini crest depicts a shield and shows a golden grunting bull. This symbolic emblem is the same as any other car logo. This bull represents consistency, patience and strength. Contrary to some other Italian 'patriot' manufacturers, Lamborghini does not use Italian colors on the Lamborghini emblem.

In 1972, the Lamborghini emblem was restyled. The Lamborghini name is written back in capital letters, tucked into the shield in a yellow rectangle. But sometimes the Lamborghini emblem is often displayed with writing on the outside of the shield with the Universe Black Oblique font.

The famous golden Taurus with the black field of the Lamborghini emblem has a great resemblance to the yellow color of the Ferrari symbol. This similarity is not just a coincidence, as Ferruccio has a rivalry with Ferrari.

Competition with Ferrari

Ferruccio became very rich from his tractor business. Because of that he bought several luxury cars, including a Ferrari. Very fond of cars, he started racing in the car he bought, but he knows very little about the mechanics of cars. He decided that the car he was driving needed to be changed. When it came time to race the Ferrari, he noticed that it was too loud and rough on the road. Other issues like the clutch need fixing.

During the 1960am, Enzo Ferrari's cars were at the forefront of the luxury sports car genre. Ferruccio also decided to inform Ferrari about the problems found in his cars. Given that Ferrari was in its heyday at the time, Ferrari felt that Lamborghini knew nothing about its cars.

He saw Ferrari's disdain as his driving force to work on his own kind of luxury car. He started designing various models. In just four months, he introduced the Lamborghini 350 GTV (which would later become the 350 GT) at the Turin Motor Show in October 1963. By late 1964, Lamborghini had sold its first 13 cars.

The legend of Lamborghini's rivalry with Ferrari is also represented by the model name. After the first models to use alphanumeric names, which were popular at the time, model names were also inspired by tauromchia, one example being the Lamborghini Miura, which is taken from the corrida bull breed raised by Don Fernando Miura Fernandez, a cattle breeder who Lamborghini frequented.

After many years as a manufacturer with family management, the oil crisis and the decline of the industry in the mid-80s forced Lamborghini to sell their shares to the Chrysler Group in 1987. After being acquired by Audi in 1998, the challenge that Lamborghini experienced was strengthening the appeal and reviving back the Lamborghini legend.

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The Wings Flapping on the Aston Martin Logo, This Is What It Means

The Wings Flapping on the Aston Martin Logo, This Is What It Means

Aston Martin Lagonda Limited is a British car manufacturer, which is famous for its high-end sports cars. Headquartered in Gaydon, Warwickshire, the company was founded in London in 1913, by Lionel Martin and Robert Bamford.

Aston Martin has earned worldwide recognition for its excellent craftsmanship, innovation and attention to detail. This makes this manufacturer considered one of the leading brands in the world automotive industry

Regarding the logo, which Aston Martin uses has undergone various modifications throughout the years. The company's first logo, introduced in 1921, consisted of a simple combination of the letters A and M, which were the company's initials. with black inside the circle.

Later, the winged design was first adapted in 1927, with the company name placed on a pair of white wings. Since then, the logo has remained in use, but has been overhauled and simplified several times, to keep in line with a contemporary design aesthetic.

A wing is a traditional symbol of speed, freedom, dream, and exploring limits. The current version of the Aston Martin logo is a green rectangle on a white wing.

Meanwhile, the Aston Martin logo consists of three colors, black, green and white. All these colors signify qualities such as elegance, prestige, uniqueness, originality, excellence and the company's environmentally friendly production.

Meanwhile, the font used in the logo is of type Optima, a humanist font from the sans-serif series created by German designer, Hermann Zapf. (asp)

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5 Typical Bulgarian Foods are delicious on the tongue and incomparably delicious

5 Typical Bulgarian Foods are delicious on the tongue and incomparably delicious


Cured and dried sausages and salami are another thing Bulgarians love. In this country there are so many types of sausages and salami that they cannot be counted so that the locals cannot tell one from the other. However, the only type of sausage that stands out is the lukaka.

This is a very popular type of sausage. Lukanka is a semi-dry sausage that is flavorful and flat in shape. This sausage is made from pieces of pork mixed with beef, then seasoned with spices such as black pepper, cumin, and salt and is generally stuffed into dried beef intestines.

After that, the sausage is dried for several weeks and then pressed into a flat shape which is its characteristic shape. During the drying process, a thin layer of white mold forms over the casing, which affects the taste of the lukanka.

Lukanka has three regional variants known and sold throughout Bulgaria, namely Karlovska, Panagyurska and Smyadovska. Each of these sausages comes from the cities of Karlovo, Panagyurishte and Smyadovo in the Balkan region.

The Karlovo and Smyadovo versions both have a higher pork ratio. For Karlovska added red pepper for taste, while Smyadovska relies on cardamom and garlic.

Meanwhile Panagyurska lukanka, which has TSG or “traditional specialty guaranteed” status (one of three quality labels in Europe), has a higher ratio of beef in the mix.


This delicious vegetable spread is a Bulgarian specialty. Kyopolou is most often associated with Bulgaria although it is also popular in Turkey. With its simple shape, this spread is made using ingredients such as roasted eggplant and garlic. However, each region has its own variant.

Some versions include roasted kapia peppers, onions, tomatoes, chilies, bay leaves and parsley. In some other areas there are also chefs who add walnuts to this mixture. Kyopolou is a dish that has no specific use. This food can be consumed as a spread for bread or crackers.

However, kyopolou can also be served as a condiment accompanying various grilled meat dishes and in some cases. Even this food is consumed as a salad. Kyopolou is usually made at home in late summer or fall, then stored in jars and eaten all year round.


Patatnik is a dish that uses potatoes as its basic ingredient and is characterized by a distinctive mint flavor from the Rhodope Mountains. The villages in the area offer dishes with various regional products.

This dish is made of grated potatoes, onions, oil, salt and a very mild type of mint called gyosum in Bulgarian. The ingredients are mixed and then cooked in a traditional pan using low heat.

Today, it is baked in the oven and some variants include grated Siren cheese, eggs and even bell peppers. There are two ways to cook papatnik. One of them is by forming two layers of grated potatoes which are then squeezed and mixed with onions and in the middle filled with the remaining dough with savory spices.

Another way is to make it without layers, just cook the potato mixture for 20 minutes and then turn it over and cover it so that both sides are cooked. The name of this food comes from the word "potato" with the ending -nik, which is the masculine ending in Bulgarian.


In a joke the Bulgarians say that a perfect match should know how to make a delicious Bulgarian moussaka. While moussaka may be considered a more Greek dish, the Bulgarians have their own unique recipe that is loved all over the country.

The Bulgarian version of the moussaka replaces the eggplant found in the Greek variant with potatoes and adds minced or ground meat, eggs, and sometimes mushrooms.

This Bulgarian delicacy is easy to make and very tasty. Some recipes add a yogurt topping for a bit of tanginess, while others add cheese on top of the moussaka.

Shkembe Chorba

While most Bulgarian food is fairly easy to eat, maybe sampling shkembe chorba takes a little more courage. The problem lies in its main ingredient, tripe, which not everyone likes.

Usually the Bulgarian version of the recipe calls for beef or lamb tripe which is boiled for hours and before being added to the soup, the tripe is diced and combined with fried paprika, red chilies and chili peppers.

As the soup can be quite spicy this is another reason why shkembe chorba might take courage to eat it. Garlic, which is often added to this soup, gives it a strong aroma, but it can be avoided if you want fresh breath. For some people, this soup can be used as medicine after drinking.

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5 Typical Bulgarian Foods Dominated by Various Vegetables

5 Typical Bulgarian Foods Dominated by Various Vegetables

Shopska Salada

Shopsla salata is the same color as the Bulgarian flag, namely white, green and red. This dish is the national dish of Bulgaria. Many foreigners are familiar with this salad purportedly because it was invented in the 1960s by the socialist party who used this salad as a tourism promotion tool to highlight local ingredients.

The purpose of this promotion is to introduce vegetables from Bulgaria. Another story regarding the origin of this salad is that it probably originated with the Shopi people who live in the Shopluk region in the Balkans.

This salad can be made easily. The ingredients used include coarsely chopped tomatoes and cucumbers, green onions, red and sweet green peppers, red wine vinaigrette (sauce dressing), and finally sprinkled with finely grated Sirene cheese and parsley. This salad can be enjoyed as a starter or accompaniment to grilled meats.

Some regions use roasted peppers as a substitute for fresh peppers. Since in Bulgaria there are not as many olive trees as in other countries, sunflower oil is used in most dishes as well as in salad dressings.

This centuries-old dish is often served as an appetizer and is also found in Serbia and North Macedonia.


Sometimes written as banitza, the banitsa is by far the most popular and most versatile food. This Bulgarian specialty in the form of pastries can be served hot or cold and can be made into sweet or savory dishes.

Banitsa is made from sheets of buttered phyllo pastry filled with egg and white cheese called Sirene. It is a common Bulgarian breakfast item, but sweeter variants containing ingredients such as pumpkin, apples or walnuts are often eaten as a popular Bulgarian dessert.

It may be one of the rare high-calorie dishes in Bulgaria, but for a healthier option, there are variants filled with spinach, onions, chives or cabbage. Many people in Bulgaria add yogurt to their banitsa. During winter these cakes are often filled with good luck charms or coins.


Gyuvech is a delicious dish named after the traditional Bulgarian clay casserole dish. This container is used for grilling and serving food in a traditional way. These clay pots can be found in every Bulgarian home and are often passed down from one generation to the next.

This container can also be given to couples on their wedding day. Cooking in clay pots is a version of the ancient Bulgarian cooking practice and is a method used to keep the nutritional content of food intact.

Gyuvech generally consists of various seasonal vegetables, spices, meat and marinades that are boiled for hours. The result is a dish full of flavor coupled with a unique earthy aroma.

To make this dish, typical vegetables used are potatoes, peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, carrots, onions, peas, zucchini, and okra. Meanwhile, the choices of spices and herbs include paprika, pepper, parsley, mint and garlic.


This Bulgarian specialty translates as a mixture of various ingredients. This traditional Bulgarian dish is made with eggs and summer vegetables like bell peppers and tomatoes. Other ingredients that are also sautéed together are onions, Bulgarian white cheese, pepper and salt.

Usually mish-mash is served with slices of bread or crispy toast. Mish-mash can be eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Although the origins of this dish are unclear, it is an integral part of traditional Bulgarian cuisine.


Tarator is a Bulgarian delicacy which is a cold soup made of Bulgarian yogurt, garlic, cucumber, chopped dill, walnuts, sunflower oil and a little water or ice.

However, this refreshing soup has many variants, especially in North Macedonia. So there may be some ingredients that are not used in other variants.

Meanwhile, in some areas there are those who replace beans with bread and cucumbers with carrots or lettuce. A simple variant of tarator is made using vinegar and water instead of yogurt. This soup is always served cold and is especially popular in summer.

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